Colours at home are indeed an instant happy mood booster. Hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. Wasn’t it wonderful with the sun shining so bright. It reminded me of my happy new vase from Amara. It’s the Hay Wide Juice striped yellow glass vase. I’ve decorated it with some […]
Tag: Hay
A visit to Almhult Sweden for Ikea Democratic Design Day.
A visit to Almhult Sweden for Ikea Democratic Design Day. I’ve just returned last week from an inspiring trip to the homeland of Ikea in Älmhult, Sweden. I was invited to join a large group of international press, for the annual Ikea Democratic Design day event, where the new and […]
Boy’s bedroom Ideas. Decorating with a rug from Little P.
Every Spring, I redecorate my son’s bedroom. I must have quite a collection of Boy’s bedroom ideas on this blog by now. Well, it’s officially Spring now, with the clocks going forward by an hour this weekend. My son’s room is like a chameleon, it is always changing. The above photo is […]
Stylish children’s rooms as featured in the Sunday Times newspaper – Home section. My son’s room.
It was an honour last weekend to have my son’s bedroom featured on the front cover of the Sunday Times newspaper – Home section. It was written by Katrina Burroughs, on Unisex style in children’s bedroom. To quote Katrina “it was about the decor wars that are gently waged between […]
Wrong for Hay launched at the London Design Festival 2013
Yesterday was the start of the London Design Festival. As I wasn’t working, I took the opportunity to explore some of event sites. After navigating the corridors of the Victoria and Albert museum to see their main festival attractions, I headed towards St James’ park in Westminster. I had pre-arranged […]