One of my favourite Netflix films in 2020 was The Queen’s Gambit.
I loved following the compelling story of an orphan girl’s journey to becoming a chess prodigy.
However, being an interiors addict, I was also drawn to the stylish midcentury design backdrop and decor.
Many of the scenes were shot in Germany, including my favourite one of the Las Vegas hotel lobby, where they had the U.S Chess open championship in the film.
I love the hotel’s impressive central circular atrium layout, with those gigantic statement gold lights, golden palm trees, grand staircase, and of course the colourful mid century modern velvet Retrostar sofas.
Uli Hanisch was the talented production designer for the film and also the photographer of the image above. Uli kindly sent me the photo to use for this post.
Can you spot the pink Retrostar sofas in the back of the hotel lobby? Well, I’m so excited to say that I’m the proud owner of one. The original one from the film set.
I have to say a huge thank you to Sternzeit Design, the Berlin based furniture company who designed them.
Well, without further ado, here it is! All the way from Berlin.
Isn’t it so beautiful?
I love the contrast of the pointy geometric wooden arms against the soft contoured edge of the velvet seating.
Even better, it’s in my favourite pink colour and super comfortable too.
The designer and owner of Sternzeit Design is Markus Paulke. Here’s what he told me about how he got started:
“Since I am a physiotherapist, comfort was and is very important to me. In fact, I started to build furniture after I finally moved into my own place at the age of 19 and realized that I couldn’t afford all the furniture I would have liked to have. That was the trigger for me to make my own stuff.”
I love hearing stories like that. I’m impressed he’s a physiotherapist too. With me being a medic and interiors blogger, I’m always excited to discover fellow healthcare workers who are also creative.
Markus certainly has his finger on the design pulse. The beautiful mid century modern furniture pieces that he sell in his shop are a testament to that.
I was curious how his sofas ended up in The Queen’s Gambit.
Here’s what he told me:
“I got a call from a guy of the production company. He asked me how many Retrostar chairs we had. They didn’t know that we were making them ourselves and were quite amazed that we could make almost anything they wanted (upholstery, colours, quantities) very quickly. Then everything went quite quickly and we then – after a short production time – delivered all the furniture directly to the Berlin filming locations, set it up and picked it up again.”
Such a cool opportunity right? Also, impressed with the fast turnaround time.
I’m so happy with this sofa.
You will certainly be seeing more of it on my Instagram soon.
I think I might have to rewatch The Queen’s Gambit, just to spot my sofa.
Incidentally, the chess set and book belongs to my son. He’s a great chess player too and has played in tournaments. I, on the other hand, will need to learn from him soon.
If you fancy getting a similar sofa, then for the month of January quote BELL20 for 20% off.
Have a wonderful week all.
( All photography and styling are by me, Geraldine Tan, editor of little Big Bell)